Topic: - Archetypal inductive and deductive theory
Name: - Upadhyay Devangana S.
Sub: - Literary Theory & Criticism
Paper: - 07
Std: - M.A. Sem – 2
Roll No: - 07
Submitted to: - M.K. Bhavnager University
Frye gained international fame with his first
book, Fearful Symmetry (1947), which led to the
reinterpretation of the poetry of William Blake. His lasting
reputation rests principally on the theory of literary criticism that he
developed in Anatomy of Criticism (1957), one of
the most important works of literary theory published in the twentieth century.
The American critic Harold Bloom commented at
the time of its publication that Anatomy established Frye as
"the foremost living student of Western literature." Frye's
contributions to cultural and social criticism spanned a long career during
which he earned widespread recognition and received many honours.
Born in Sherbrooke, Quebec but raised in Moncton, New Brunswick, Frye was the third
child of Herman Edward Frye and of Catherine Maud Howard. His much older
brother, Howard, died in World War I; he also had a sister, Vera. Frye
went to Toronto to compete in a national typing contest in 1929. He
studied for his undergraduate degree at Victoria, where he edited the college literary
journal, Acts Victoriana. He then studied theology at Emmanuel College (like Victoria College, a constituent
part of the University of Toronto). After a brief stint as a student minister
in Saskatchewan, he was ordained to
the ministry of the United Church of Canada. He then studied at Merton College, Oxford, before returning to Victoria
College, where he spent the remainder of his professional career.
As A. C. Hamilton
outlines in Northrop Frye: Anatomy of his Criticism, Frye's
assumption of coherence for literary criticism carries important implications.
Firstly and most fundamentally, it presupposes that literary criticism is a
discipline in its own right, independent of literature. Claiming with John Stuart Mill that "the
artist . . . is not heard but overheard," Frye insists that
The axiom of criticism must
be, not that the poet does not know what he is talking about, but that he
cannot talk about what he knows. To defend the right of criticism to exist at
all, therefore, is to assume that criticism is a structure of thought and
knowledge existing in its own right, with some measure of independence from the
art it deals with (Anatomy 5).This "declaration of
independence" (Hart xv) is necessarily a measured one for Frye. For
coherence requires that the autonomy of criticism, the need to eradicate its
conception as "a parasitic form of literary expression . . . a second-hand
imitation of creative power" (Anatomy 3), sits in dynamic
tension with the need to establish integrity for it as a discipline. For Frye,
this kind of coherent, critical integrity involves claiming a body of knowledge
for criticism that, while independent of literature, is yet constrained by it:
"If criticism exists," he declares, "it must be an examination
of literature in terms of a conceptual framework derivable from an inductive
survey of the literary field" itself
In literary criticism the term
archetype denotes recurrent narratives designs, patterns of action character –
types, theme, and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of
literature, as well as in myths, dreams, and even social rituals. Such
recurrent items are held to be the result of element and universal forms or
patterns in the human psyche, whose effective embodiment in a literary work
evokes a profound response from the attentive reader, because he or she shares
the psychic archetypes expressed by the author, An important antecedent of the
literary theory of the archetype was the treatment of myth by a group of
comparative anthropologists at Cambridge University, especially James. Frazer, who’s
“The Golden Bough” (1890 – 1915) identified elemental patterns of myth and
ritual that, claimed recur in the legends and ceremonials of diverse and far –
flung cultures and religions. An even more important antecedent was the depth
psychology of Carl G. Jung (1875 – 1961) who applied the term “archetype“to
what he called” primordial images “, the “psychic residue” of repeated patterns
of experience in our very ancient ancestors which he maintained survive in the “collective
unconscious “of the human race and are expressed in myths, religion, dream, and
private fantasies, as well as in works of literature.
Archetypal literary criticism is a type of critical theory that interprets
a text by focusing on recurring myths and archetypes (from the Greek archē,
or beginning, and typos, or imprint) in the narrative, symbols, images, and character types in literary work. As a form of literary criticism,
it dates back to 1934 when Maud Bodkin published Archetypal Patterns
in Poetry.
Archetypal literary criticism’s
origins are rooted in two other academic disciplines, social anthropology and psychoanalysis; each contributed to
literary criticism in separate ways, with the latter being a sub-branch of
critical theory. Archetypal criticism was at its most popular in the 1940s and
1950s, largely due to the work of Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye. Though archetypal literary criticism is no longer
widely practiced, nor have there been any major developments in the field, it
still has a place in the tradition of literary studies
In The Golden
Bough Frazer identifies with shared practices and mythological beliefs
between primitive religions and modern religions. Frazer argues that the
death-rebirth myth is present in almost all cultural mythologies, and is acted
out in terms of growing seasons and vegetation. The myth is symbolized by the
death (i.e. final harvest) and rebirth (i.e. spring) of the god of vegetation.
As an example, Frazer cites the Greek myth of Persephone, who was taken to the Underworld by Hades.
Her mother Demeter, the goddess of the
harvest, was so sad that she struck the world with fall and winter. While in
the underworld Persephone ate 6 of the 12
pomegranate seeds given to her by Hades. Because of what she ate, she was forced to spend half the year, from
then on, in the underworld, representative of
autumn and winter, or the death in the death-rebirth myth. The other half of
the year Persephone was permitted to be in the mortal realm with Demeter, which
represents spring and summer, or the rebirth in the death-rebirth myth.
Bodkin’s Archetypal
Patterns in Poetry, the first work on the subject of archetypal literary
criticism, applies Jung’s theories about the collective unconscious,
archetypes, and primordial images to literature. It was not until the work of
the Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye that archetypal
criticism was theorized in purely literary terms. The major work of Frye’s to
deal with archetypes is Anatomy of Criticism but his essay
“The Archetypes of Literature” is a precursor to the book. Frye’s thesis in
“The Archetypes of Literature” remains largely unchanged in Anatomy of
Criticism. Frye’s work helped displace New Criticism as the major
mode of analyzing literary texts, before giving way to structuralism and semiotics.
Frye’s work breaks from both Frazer and Jung in such a way that it is
distinct from its anthropological and psychoanalytical precursors.
In his remarkable and
influential book Anatomy of Criticism N. Frye developed the archetypal approach
and the practice of literary criticism.
There are two basic
categories in Frye’s framework, i.e. comedic and tragic. Each category is
further subdivided into two categories: Comedy and romance for the comedic:
tragedy and satire for the tragic. Though he is dismissive of Frazer, Frye uses
the seasons in his archetypal scheme. Each season is aligned with a literary
genre: comedy with spring romance with summer, tragedy with autumn and satire
with winter.
Comedy is aligned with spring because the genre of comedy
is characterized by the birth of the hero, revival and resurrection. Also
spring symbolizes the defeat of winter and darkness.
Romance and summer are paired together because summer is
the culmination of life in the seasonal calendar, and the romance genre culminates
with some sort of triumph, usually a marriage.
Autumn is the dying stage of the seasonal calendar, which
parallels the tragedy genre because it is known for the “fall” or demise of the
Satire is metonymies with winter on the grounds that
satire is a “dark” genre. Satire is a disillusioned and mocking from of the
three other genres. It is noted for its darkness dissolution, the return of
chaos and the defeat of the heroic figure.
The context of a genre determines how a symbol or image is to be
interpreted. Frye outline five different sphere in his schema: human, animal,
vegetation, mineral, and water.
The comedic human world is representative of wish –
fulfillment and being community centered. In contrast, the tragic human world
is of isolation, tyranny, and the fallen hero.
Animal in the comedic genres are docile and pastoral
(e.g. sheep), while animal are predatory and hunters in the tragic 9e.g.
For the realm of vegetation the comedic is, again,
pastoral but also represented by gardens, parks, rose and lotuses. As for the
tragic, vegetation is of a wild forest, or as being barren.
Cities temples, or precious stones represent the comedic
mineral realm. The tragic mineral realm is noted for being a desert, ruins, or
“of sinister geometrical images”.
Lastly the water realm is represented by rivers in the
comedic. With the tragic, the seas, and especially floods, signify the water
Frye admits that his
schema in “The Archrtypes of Literature” is simplistic, but makes room for
exception by noting that there are neutral archetypes. The example he cites are
islands such as Circe’s which cannot be categorized under the tragic or
Definition of Inductive theory:-
“The philosophical definition of inductive reasoning is
much more nuanced than simple progression from particular/individual instances
to broader generalizations. Rather, the premises of an inductive logical argument indicate some
degree of support (inductive probability) for the conclusion but do not entail it; that is, they suggest truth
but do not ensure it. In this manner, there is the possibility of moving from
general statements to individual instances (for example, statistical
syllogisms, discussed below).
Though many dictionaries define inductive reasoning as
reasoning that derives general principles from specific observations, this
usage is outdated.”
Definition of deductive theory
reasoning happens when a researcher works from the more general information to
the more specific. Sometimes this is called the “top-down” approach because the
researcher starts at the top with a very broad spectrum of information and they
work their way down to a specific conclusion. For instance, a researcher might
begin with a theory about his or her topic of interest. From there, he or she
would narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that can be tested. The
hypotheses are then narrowed down even further when observations are collected
to test the hypotheses. This ultimately leads the researcher to be able to test
the hypotheses with specific data, leading to a confirmation (or not) of the
original theory and arriving at a conclusion.
Developing an inductive, or grounded, theory generally follows the
following steps:
Research design: Define your research questions and the
main concepts and variables involved.
Data collection: Collect data for your study using any of
the various methods (field research, interviews, surveys, etc.)
Data ordering: Arrange your data chronologically to
facilitate easier data analysis and examination of processes.
Data analysis: Analyze your data using methods of your
choosing to look for patterns, connections, and significant findings.
Theory construction: Using the patterns and findings from
your data analysis, develop a theory about what you discovered.
Literature comparison: Compare your emerging theory with
the existing literature. Are there conflicting frameworks, similar frameworks,
Deductive reasoning works
from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is informally called
a "top-down" approach. We might begin with thinking up a theory
about our topic of interest. We then narrow that down into more specific
hypotheses that we can test. We narrow down even further when we
collect observations to address the hypotheses. This
ultimately leads us to be able to test the hypotheses with specific data --
a confirmation (or not) of our original theories. Let it see
through the chart.
Inductive theory is the reveres process of this. In inductive theory
Conformation come first then Observation, Hypothesis and Theory. This theory
also known as “Bottom – up” approach.
These two methods of
reasoning have a very different "feel" to them when you're conducting
research. Inductive reasoning, by its very nature, is more open-ended and
exploratory, especially at the beginning. Deductive reasoning is more narrow in
nature and is concerned with testing or confirming hypotheses. Even though a
particular study may look like it's purely deductive (e.g., an experiment
designed to test the hypothesized effects of some treatment on some outcome),
most social research involves both inductive and deductive reasoning processes
at some time in the project. In fact, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see
that we could assemble the two graphs above into a single circular one that
continually cycles from theories down to observations and back up again to
theories. Even in the most constrained experiment, the researchers may observe
patterns in the data that lead them to develop new theories.
Deduction: In the process of
deduction, you begin with some statements, called 'premises', that are assumed
to be true, you then determine what else would have to be true if the premises
are true. For example, you can begin by assuming that God exists, and is good,
and then determine what would logically follow from such an assumption. You can
begin by assuming that if you think, then you must exist, and work from there.
In mathematics you can begin with some axioms and then determine what you can
prove to be true given those axioms. With deduction you can provide absolute
proof of your conclusions, given that your premises are correct. The
premises themselves, however, remain unproven and unprovable, they must be
accepted on face value, or by faith, or for the purpose of exploration.
Induction: In the process of
induction, you begin with some data, and then determine what general
conclusion(s) can logically be derived from those data. In other words, you
determine what theory or theories could explain the data. For example, you note
that the probability of becoming schizophrenic is greatly increased if at least
one parent is schizophrenic, and from that you conclude that schizophrenia may
be inherited. That is certainly a reasonable hypothesis given the data. Note,
however, that induction does not prove that the theory is correct. There are
often alternative theories that are also supported by the data. For example,
the behavior of the schizophrenic parent may cause the child to be
schizophrenic, not the genes. What is important in induction is that the theory
does indeed offer a logical explanation of the data. To conclude that the
parents have no effect on the schizophrenia of the children is not supportable
given the data, and would not be a logical conclusion.
Comparison of two reasoning:-
Properties of Deduction
- In
a valid deductive argument, all of the content of the conclusion is
present, at least implicitly, in the premises. Deduction is nonampliative.
- If
the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. Valid deduction is
necessarily truth preserving.
- If
new premises are added to a valid deductive argument (and none of its
premises are changed or deleted) the argument remains valid.
- Deduction
is erosion-proof.
- Deductive
validity is an all-or-nothing matter; validity does not come in degrees.
An argument is totally valid, or it is invalid.
Properties of Induction
- Induction
is ampliative. The conclusion of an inductive argument has content that
goes beyond the content of its premises.
- A
correct inductive argument may have true premises and a false conclusion.
Induction is not necessarily truth preserving.
- New
premises may completely undermine a strong inductive argument. Induction
is not erosion-proof.
- Inductive
arguments come in different degrees of strength. In some inductions, the
premises support the conclusions more strongly than in others.
mate, I will be analyzing a literary piece (single literary piece only) using the archetypal approach. Aside from determining the archetypes and discussing them, what conclusion can I draw to from these archetypes?